Day 6 Characterization Canterbury Tales Lesson Plan


Name: Mara Roney

Date: unknown
Age/Grade Level: sophomore EnglishNumber of Students: unknown
Number of Students with IEP / 504 plan: unknownNumber of Gifted Students: unknown
Number of English Language Learners: unknownSubject: English
Major Content: CharacterizationLesson Length: 50 minutes
Unit Title: Canterbury Tales characterization final lessonLesson Number and Title: Canterbury Tales Characterization, lesson six


·    This lesson is the completion of the Canterbury Tales characterization unit

·    Students will review lessons learned about characterization through watching each others’ movies and assessing each other’s work

·    Students will be summatively assessed on their description of the characters and their predictions of how the characters will interact on the journey

·    Students prior knowledge of characterization or previous experience making movies on a computer will aid them with this unit

·    Analyzing characterization will relate to students’ experience assessing people’s personality through their actions, speech, possessions, etc.  

Learning Objectives

1.Students will be able to make a movie using a program such as Moviemaker

2.Students will be able to describe characters and how they were characterized as well as make predictions about how they will interact in the text

3.Students will be able to assess their own work and others  


·    Students will take what they have learned regarding characterization and apply it to an assigned character in the “Prologue”

·    Students will take what they have learned regarding characterization to infer how characters will interact on  the pilgrimage in The Canterbury Tales 

Program of Studies: UnderstandingsProgram of Studies:
Skills and Concepts
Related Core Content

·         Students will understand how authors use direct and indirect characterization

·         Students will understand how to make inferences about characters based on the author’s characterization techniques

·         Students will  be able to examine and describe the characterization in the “Prologue” of Canterbury Tales

·         Students will be able to describe the characters in Canterbury Tales based on the information in the “Prologue”

·         Students will infer as to how the characters will interact with each other on the pilgrimage in Canterbury Tales

·         RD-10-2.0.3
Students will apply the information from a passage needed to accomplish a task

·         RD-10-2.0.7
Students will make inferences, draw conclusions or make generalizations based on evidence from a passage 

Resources, Media and Technology

 ·    Movie making software

·    One computer per student

·    One copy of Canterbury Tales per student

·    Computer projector 

Summative assessment rubric


Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice
Attractiveness Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation. Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to presentation. Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation content. Use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. but these often distract from the presentation content.
Sources Source information collected for all graphics, facts and quotes. All documented in desired format. Source information collected for all graphics, facts and quotes. Most documented in desired format. Source information collected for graphics, facts and quotes, but not documented in desired format. Very little or no source information was collected.
Mechanics No misspellings or grammatical errors. Three or fewer misspellings and/or mechanical errors. Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors. More than 4 errors in spelling or grammar.
Content Covers topic in-depth with details and examples from the text. Subject knowledge is excellent. Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good and is related to the text. Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1-2 factual errors and little connection to text. Content is minimal and unrelated to text OR there are several factual errors.
Organization Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material. Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed. Content is logically organized for the most part. There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts.
Requirements All requirements are met and exceeded. All requirements are met. One requirement was not completely met. More than one requirement was not completely met.



  • Any student who has not finished their movie will receive a deduction and go finish their movie
  • Students will actively watch each other’s videos by filling out peer assessments and self assessments
  • Students will also be engaged through discussion of movies
  • ESL students will be paired with academically talented students to help in vocabulary acquisition and use
  • Students who finish their movie early will enhance their video with technological features of their choice
  • Struggling students and students with special needs will receive direct instruction from the teacher

Assessment Plan 

Objective / Assessment Organizer

Type of AssessmentDescription of AssessmentAdaptations and/or Accommodations
Objective 1Summative Rubric for character movieExtra time for students with IEP's
Objective 2SummativeRubric for character movie 
Objective 3SummativeRubric for character movie